To all the many thousands upon thousands
Of Our Honorable and Brave Wounded and Forsaken Patriotic Americans
Who have suffered!  And who are suffering!
Who are crippled! - Who are disfigured! - Who are paralyzed!
Who have lost their fingers and toes! - Who have lost their hands and feet! - Who have lost their arms and legs!
Who are double amputees! - Who are triple amputees! - Who are quadruple amputees!
  Who have lost their hearing! - Who have lost their eyesight! 
Who have lost their consciousness! - Who have lost their spirit!

Giving unselfishly of themselves in service to our country!
To save us!  ~  To help us!
To support us! ~  To protect us!
To preserve our great Republic!
To uphold the undeniable principles of Honor - Liberty - Equality - Justice and Humanity for which America stands!
And to defend the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness to which all people are endowed by their Creator!

And There Are None So Brave!

To Their Honorable Service and Sacrifice 
Suffering and Death - Blood, Sweat and Tears


To the most splendid reality
 They have made for you and me
For millions upon millions of Americans
And for millions upon millions upon millions of people around the world
To possess a magnificent birthright and the bountiful satisfaction of living their lives in Freedom


To all the many thousands upon thousands 

Of Our Honorable and Brave Wounded and Forsaken Patriotic Americans:

We reverently acknowledge you! 
We consummately respect you!  ~  We profoundly thank you! 
 We are eternally indebted to you!  ~  And we shall forever hold your Americanism in esteem!

Let us bow our heads in silent prayer
For All Our Honorable and Brave Wounded and Forsaken Patriotic Americans!

Our True Self-Sacrificing American Patriots! - Our True Self-Sacrificing American Heroes!


To all the many hundreds upon hundreds
Of Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic American Prisoners-of-War
Who have suffered  And who are suffering!
The many who died mercilessly at the hands of the enemy!
And the many who never came home - never came home!

We are home!

They Shall Never-Be Forgotten! 
The suffering Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic American Prisoners-of-War endured in service to our country
To save us!  ~  To help us!
To support us!  ~  To protect us!
To preserve our great Republic!
To uphold the undeniable principles of Honor - Liberty - Equality - Justice and Humanity for which America stands!
And to defend the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and and the pursuit of Happiness to which all people are endowed by their Creator!

Is beyond human comprehension.

They Are Truly Our Forever-Faithful American Patriots! - ​They Are Truly Our Forever-Faithful American Heroes!

And There Are None So Brave!

To Their Honorable Service and Sacrifice 
Suffering and Death - Blood, Sweat and Tears


To the most splendid reality
 They have made for you and me
For millions upon millions of Americans
And for millions upon millions upon millions of people around the world
To possess a magnificent birthright and the bountiful satisfaction of living their lives in Freedom


To all the many hundreds upon hundreds

Of Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic American Prisoners-of-War

We reverently acknowledge you! 
We consummately respect you!  ~  We profoundly thank you! 
We are eternally indebted to you!  ~  And we shall forever hold your Americanism in esteem

And let us now bow our heads in silent prayer
For All Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic American Prisoners-of-War living and dead
And in reverent and ever-faithful recognition
For All Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic American Prisoners-of-War and Missing-in-Action
Who never came home and who are still unaccounted-for
They Shall Never-Be-Forgotten!

To all the many hundreds of thousands
Of Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic American

Made up of all races, colors and creeds
Who sacrificed their precious lives, their precious loves and possessions for our country in the line-of-duty
To save  us!  ~  To help us!  
To support us!  ~  To protect us! 
To preserve our great Republic!
To uphold the undeniable principles of Honor - Liberty - Equality - Justice and Humanity for which America stands!
And to defend the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness to which all people are endowed by their Creator!
And There Are None So Brave!

To Our Supreme American Patriots - To Our Supreme American Heroes

  Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice
To Our Honorable Americans
To Our Loyal Patriots
To Our Outstanding Citizens
To Our Noble Countrymen and Women
To Our Brave Warriors
To Our Unyielding Defenders
To Our Real Champions
To Our True Heroes
To Our Faithful Guardians
To Our Fearless Saviors
To Our Blessed Martyrs

To Their Honorable Service and Sacrifice

Suffering and Death - Blood, Sweat and Tears 

To the most splendid reality
 They have made for you and me
For millions upon millions of Americans
And for millions upon millions upon millions of people around the world
To possess a magnificent birthright and the bountiful satisfaction of living their lives in Freedom

To Their Supreme Patriotism and Ultimate Sacrifice 
To Our Wholehearted and Everlasting Gratitude

My fellow Patriotic Americans
We possess the greatest of all treasures:
“The Gift-of-Life”

“The Gift-of-Freedom”

There is no greater love! - There is no greater sacrifice!

In the entire universe than for:

An Honorable and Brave Patriotic American
To lay down his or her precious life
So that we could have
“The Best-of-Life”

“The Gift-of-Freedom”

Let us bow our heads in prayer:
Most Righteous and Almighty Creator
In Thy Perfect Love - In Thy Perfect Strength - And In Thy Perfect Care
Protect from all harm we pray
The most precious and most honorable souls of our departed:
Fathers and Mothers
Grandfathers and Grandmothers
Great Grandfathers and Great Grandmothers
Great Great Grandfathers and Great Great Grandmothers
Great Great Great Grandfathers and Great Great Great Grandmothers
Sons and Daughters
Grandsons and Granddaughters
Great Grandsons and Great Granddaughters
Great Great Grandsons and Great Great Granddaughters
Great Great Great Grandsons and Great Great Great Granddaughters

Husbands and Wives
Brothers and Sisters
Uncles and Aunts
Nephews and Nieces
Relatives and Friends
Now and Forever
Most Righteous and Almighty Creator
Welcome into Thy Divine Kingdom
Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic Americans
May they be seated at Thy Right Hand
May perpetual light shine upon them
And may their most faithful - most precious and most honorable souls
Through Thy Divine Mercy, rest forever in peace, Amen.

 “That from these honored dead we take increased devotion
to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion.
That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.”

                                                                                                ~ Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States of America (1809-1865)

Day is done
Sinks the sun
And the stars all appear
One by one
Rest in peace
Compatriots dear
God is near

To all the many hundreds of thousands

Of Our Honorable and Brave Patriotic American


To Our Supreme American Patriots! - To Our Supreme American Heroes!

Who sacrificed:

Their precious lives, their precious loves and possessions for our country in the line-of-duty
We reverently acknowledge you. 
We consummately respect you.  We profoundly thank you. 
We are eternally indebted to you.  And we shall forever hold your Americanism in esteem.


​​Fostering and Upholding
Petty Officer Jim Cava, United States Navy Retired - Combat Decorated Veteran
US Navy Corpsman / I (India) Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division - Republic of Vietnam 1968

Author - Founder - Speaker

Telephone: 973-427-3871
E-mail: uspatriot1@optonline.net​
“​Americanism breeds:
Fellowship - Loyalty - Morality - Responsibility - Vigilance - Courage - Strength”

                                                                                                                                          ~ Petty Officer Jim Cava, US Navy Retired, American Patriot (1948-


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