
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​OUR CHILDREN 



     For too long America has been aggressively influenced by a formidable sub-culture that advocates evil, markets drugs, sells sex and promotes violence.  Our great country has been demoralized and devitalized by this counter culture which has created: decline and decay, disorder and disruption, disrespect and dishonor, decadence and despair, destruction and death in our homeland.  The dishonorable individuals responsible for these iniquities have absolutely no respect for that which is good and for that which is right.  They have no respect for Our Creator.  They have no respect for Our Country and the fundamental and undeniable principles for which she stands.  Most deplorably, they have no respect for the innate exquisiteness and magnificence - virtue, ability, intelligence and potentiality of Our Children.  Indiscriminate - self-important and self-serving these shameless individuals violate the very sanctity of life and defile the innocence and wholesomeness of Our Children.  Their incessant corruption is offensive to all honorable Americans and their valueless process only desecrates - undermines and diminishes all that is good and all that is right in our homeland.  The morality of America is being challenged like never before, especially for our vulnerable and impressionable children.  Our Children are negatively distracted.  They are confused as to what is good and as to what is bad;as to what is right and as to what is wrong.  Our Children are being unfairly and unjustly misguided and mistreated.  
    We are also living in a time of hope and promise.  We can and we must counter this adverse progression of destructive depravity and anti-Americanism.  The answer is quite evident and it lies within the very establishment and moral strength of our country:
                   HONOR - To Be Good!   LIBERTY - To Be Free!  

                                                             EQUALITY - To Be One!   JUSTICE - To Be Fair!   HUMANITY - To Be Kind!
     These are the fundamental and undeniable principles of our country, conceived by our founding fathers, upheld and defended with invincible determination that forged a great nation, our nation.  It is that same American Spirit that remains the lifeblood of our country and it comes from the heart and soul of a true American.  The Declaration of Independence, the absolute proclamation of our country that all people are created equal, that all people are made the same with A Heart and Soul / A Body and Mind , that they are endowed (presented) by their Creator with certain (definite) unalienable (natural) rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  
And The Constitution of our country, the basic instrument of our government and the supreme law of our land were founded upon these principles and it is upon these fundamental truths by which our laws and doctrines are based.  The necessity of academia in our society is implicit but a well-rounded and complete education also necessitates the learning of values and the building of character.  It is without doubt that Our American Principles are truly a most worthy guideline for Our Children to follow in regards to Character Education and Development.                                                                                                                              ​ ​​                                                                                                     ~

“And that it is Good and that it is Right 

To Treat Your Fellow Students as You would like to be Treated!
And by doing so, you will help make (name of school)
A Happier, Healthier and Safer Place to Be!”
                                                                                                                         ~ Petty Officer Jim Cava, US Navy Ret., American Patriot (1948-





Inspirational and Motivational 
Our Good Children 
True Definition
Good Character Development 

Awareness-for that which is Right 
Respect-for that which is Honorable and Good - Others and Oneself

​A Peaceful Atmosphere of Respectful Love 
Making Our American Schools: A Happier, Healthier and Safer Place to Be



Impeding and Extirpating

An Occurrence of Hateful - Horrific - Violent Behavior

In-addition-to: Bullying, Tormenting, Being-Mean-To and Making-Fun-Of Another Student  

The following Meaningful, Inspirational and Motivational Americanism Programs are available upon request at no-charge:
* Kindergarten to Second Grade Americanism Program
{Thirty minutes}
* Third to Fifth Grade Americanism Program
{Thirty-five minutes}
* Sixth to Eighth Grade Americanism Program
{Forty minutes}
* Ninth to Twelfth Grade Americanism Program
{Forty-five minutes}


“And that it is Good and that it is Right 
To Treat Your Fellow Students As You Would Like To Be Treated!
And in so doing,  you will help make: (name of school)
A Happier, Healthier and Safer Place to Be!”

                                                                                                                         ~ Petty Officer Jim Cava, US Navy Retired, American Patriot (1948-


Meaningful, Inspirational and Motivational School Motto's:
​​“Believe in America as I Believe in Myself”
​“​Respectful Love is the Essence of School Life”
“Respectful Students are the Treasure of School Life”
“Respect My Good Fellow Students As I Respect Myself”
“Believe in My Fellow Students as I Believe in Myself”
“Treat My Fellow Students As I Would Like To Be Treated”
                                                                                                          - Petty Officer Jim Cava, US Navy Retired, American Patriot (1948-                 


Important Notice:
I Petty Officer Jim Cava, US Navy Retired do hereby give my permission

for my Americanism Programs and Americanism Ceremony, documented in Operation Red, White and Blue, to be used for presentation
in Pre-Schools, Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Colleges, Veterans Organizations, Veterans Hospitals and Homes, Nursing Homes, Retirement Villages, 

Civic Clubs and Organizations strictly for no-charge and for the sole purpose of teaching Our Good Children and Our Honorable Patriotic Americans the true definition of: 
                                                                                                                                                FOR OUR CREATOR AND COUNTRY  

                                                                                                                                      Petty Officer Jim Cava, US Navy Ret.


​​Fostering and Upholding
Petty Officer Jim Cava, United States Navy Retired - Combat Decorated Veteran
US Navy Corpsman / I (India) Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division - Republic of Vietnam 1968
Author - Founder - Speaker

Telephone: 973-427-3871
E-mail: uspatriot1@optonline.net​
“​Americanism breeds:
Fellowship - Loyalty - Morality - Responsibility - Vigilance - Courage - Strength”

                                                                                           ~ Petty Officer Jim Cava, US Navy Retired, American Patriot (1948-


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